Joni Votaw
Executive Director

Kedrick Tembo
Corporate Sponsorship Ambassador
Disaster Relief
Providing help to areas stricken by disaster
Mayfield Strong
The Lord's Kitchen went to Mayfield, KY to support the recovery efforts after a deadly tornado left the town devastated.
Eastern Kentucky Floods
The Lord's Kitchen went to Eastern, KY to support the recovery efforts after floods covered several communities.
Feeding Louisville for 36 Years
The Lord’s Kitchen was founded on Christmas Day 1988 and has faithfully fed those with food insecurities, 365 days a year without closing, for over 35 years. We have served over 9 million meals in KY and surrounding areas. The Lord’s Kitchen exists to bring hope, share love and change lives by providing critical support services and spiritual encouragement to those bound by food insecurity, displacement and addiction. We envision an environment in which marginalized peoples are able to break free from the chains that bind them and inspire change in our community through the help, love and service of others. The Lord’s Kitchen is always looking for volunteers to help us feed clothe and house those in need. We connect your team with ours to make the most of your day of service. From businesses to schools and more.

The Lord's Kitchen
Food Distribution

Corner of Hope
Recovery Center